
A proctor is the person who is authorized to administer the FLATS test to you. Although the FLATS test is online, you are required to take the test with a certified FLATS proctor. The proctor is located at a college or university, and is usually a testing center employee. Only an authorized person can be a proctor. Your proctor will provide a computer and a quiet testing environment for you to take your online test. If you need a proctor, send us an email with your location (including colleges and universities in your area), so that we can find a proctor at the school nearest you. If there are no certified FLATS proctors in your area, we will give you instructions on how to find someone in your area. If there is not a proctor near you, there is also the option of taking the test with Proctor360. They charge $20 and make it possible for you to take the test on your own computer in your own home.